How and Where to Find Sex in Indonesia Archive

The 5 best Indonesian porn sites

Making a list of the five best Indonesian porn sites was one of the most difficult tasks I have ever set for myself. You might expect there to be a ton of porn coming out of Indonesia.

The 5 best Indonesian porn stars ever

Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world. With over 275 million people the country’s population is only a little smaller than the United States. But the US certainly has more porn stars. It even has

I fucked a fat chick in Jakarta

I fucked a fat Indonesian chick in Jakarta. I did her bareback. I fucked her in multiple positions for about 20 minutes. Then I pulled out my slippery wet cock and shot several strings of thick cock

I creampied a super sexy hooker in Jakarta

I have had sex with a lot of women. After embarking on a life of travel at the age of 19 I have fucked my way around the globe. At this point I’ve done it all form

Review of King Cross in Jakarta

King Cross is one of the big men’s clubs in Jakarta. It has several floors filled with various kinds of entertainment from men. That includes everything from a full body massage to sexy dancers and a fishbowl.

Review of Bunker and Terminal in Jakarta

Bunker and Terminal in Jakarta are clubs filled with prostitutes. They are pretty much the same kinds of places. And they’re even located in the same building. So I am going to review them simultaneously. I’ve been

The Blok M red light district in Jakarta

The Blok M red light district in Jakarta is probably the best known place for foreign guys to meet chicks in Jakarta. But as I will explain that just isn’t really justified. Blok M definitely isn’t what

The 5 best sex clubs in Jakarta

I’ve already told you about Jakarta’s sex clubs. Today I’m going to give you my list of the five best sex clubs in the country. This is based on my opinion as a foreigner who has never

Sex clubs in Jakarta

Prostitution is supposedly illegal in Indonesia but the city of Jakarta contains numerous large clubs that rival the sex saunas of Macau in terms of size and services available. These places are right out in the open,