HCMC is the easiest city to get laid in Vietnam
There is no question about and no doubt in my mind. Ho Chi Minh City is absolutely the easiest place to find sex in Vietnam. I have the experience and the knowledge to back this up! After years of living and traveling in Southeast Asia, I’ve been in more Vietnamese holes than the tour guides at the Cu Chi Tunnels.
I have already told you about the easiest cities to get laid in Thailand and Cambodia. I usually break down the country into its various major and minor cities and tell you the good and bad about each. But there is simply no need for that here. Ho Chi Minh City is the biggest, the best, and the easiest when it comes to screwing chicks with ease. There just isn’t any competition.
Sure you can get your dick wet pretty easily in other cities like Da Nang, Nha Trang and Vung Tau. I’ve even had a good amount of sex in lower tier towns like Can Tho with very little effort involved. But considering all it takes to move around in this crowded country I could have just stayed next to the airport in Saigon and had all the orgasms I wanted. I wouldn’t even have to leave my hotel room!
Prostitution in Ho Chi Minh City
There is no defined red light district in HCMC. No Soi Cowboy or go go bars at all. No big soapy massage parlors. And no strip clubs. But do you know what? There are still more prostitutes in Ho Chi Minh City than you could ever hope to fuck in a lifetime! I’ve been writing about the paid sex in Ho Chi Minh City for years.
There’s a whole range of hookers in HCMC. But most of them charge very little money when compared to the rest of the world. There are hot toc om where they do blowjobs for $6.50. There are full service barbershops where they fuck for $45. Then you have the many happy ending massage parlors. There are alsoHugging cafes and sexy cafes too.
Don’t forget the hostess bars either. In a couple of the old school joints you can still get your cock sucked or ridden while the mammasan sits across from you and puts ice in your drink. I love to fuck in front of an audience so I don’t mind paying them $100 and even buying a drink for the old fat bitch in charge.
But even if I was too lazy to even walk outside I could always find one of the countless WeChat prostitutes. They literally hang out on the app all day looking for dudes to fuck for money. Some of them are mid tier but I have actually met some hot chicks with really sexy bodies. No surprise that they fuck for $50 considering there are whole websites filled with Saigon escorts who fuck for just 200,000 VND. That’s just $8 for those keeping track back home.
Picking up chicks in HCMC
Picking up chicks in Ho Chi Minh City is easy too. There are tons of sluts and open minded women who want to try a slide down a big foreign bean pole. You can meet these women all over. Tinder is always great. I’ve met tons of chicks there that I fucked the same night or even the same hour. There was that 25 year old chick with the big nose but smoking body I met at Phuc Long. Her tight dress drove me crazy and I told her we should go back to the room. Then there was that beautiful 19 year old chick I met at Starbucks. I thought she was lame because she kept taking pictures of her smoothie. But she was so thankful that I took her there she invited herself back to my room and I fucked her bareback twice. Then there was that older woman with the curly hair who met me at the park outside of my hotel. We were literally fucking in an hourly hotel across the alley within 10 minutes of meeting. None of these chicks wanted money, commitment or anything else!
I like the apps because they let you cover a lot of ground fast. And you can do right from your room. But I am definitely not beyond picking up chicks in the street either. Nightclubs like Apocalypse Now and Lush have tons of chicks inside who want to fuck western guys. I am not even counting the freelance hookers either. Some other local clubs are even better. Best still are the little late night street bars where they serve super cheap beer and delicious coffee to crowds of people sitting on tiny plastic chairs.
The biggest problem there is the biggest problem everywhere in Vietnam. That’s the language barrier. It is easiest enough to work around though. By now I speak enough tiếng Việt to hold a conversation. Even if I didn’t I’d use jokes, body language and Google translate to game my way through. Plus Vietnamese dudes can be super helpful. Many times a dude from a group of Vietnamese people would help me meet chicks and translate a little for us. They are usually friendly and laughing. They find it funny when we try to pick up “their chicks.” Unlike angry Western macho dick heads who think everyone is their enemy.
The dating scene in Saigon
I constantly see guys whining on the internet about how Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City are supposedly so bad for meeting women. I just don’t get it. I mean there are no rows of go go bars but there are so many options here that I can’t see what you have to complain about. I am totally confident that I could find sex every day for the rest of my life in HCMC. And I am talking about dating regular women and having sex with them too. No I am not Brad Pitt. Nor am I a 19 year old stud.
Right off the bat you have tens of millions of people. The HCMC metro is home to over 20 million people. Half of them are women. That’s a huge pool to draw from. This is one of those major cities like New York where you can date different women all the time and not worry about it. No one is going to rat you out or see you and tell the neighbor. It’s a place where no one knows your name. Well except for the secret police in plain clothes at that coffee shop over there. But he doesn’t care who you fuck either.
I’ve honestly dated more women in HCMC than I can remember. Sure some of them stick out in my mind. But others are forgetable. That includes some that I fucked once or twice too. I always had so many other options that I always moved on as soon as I was ready. Sometimes that was a week into dating. But I’ve also dated women longer here. And it’s always been a great time with very little hassle. I’ve never had a Vietnamese woman break up with me either. That goes to show how loyal they are.
People sometimes come here and ask me how I meet all these women. Or they accuse me of being full of shit. That’s fine. I don’t mind either. I know what I did and I think my experience speaks through my words. But you don’t have to believe me. If you’re interested in dating Vietnamese women come to Ho Chi Minh City. Get on Tinder and pay for the premium option. Do at least 50 match swipes a day. Ask all the women you talk to for a date at a coffee or tea shop. Show up well dressed, speaking a few words of the local language, and be friendly. Within a week you should have more women than you can handle and plenty of new notches on your belt. And if none of that works, at least you can watch some Vietnamese porn. It’s not censored here unlike over in Thailand.
Hey Enzo, love the blog.
Quick question, do you think you can do a post about high end places where it was worth it to pay top dollar in SEA or anywhere else? Thanks.
Hey Sam, thanks! That is not a bad idea. In the meantime you may be interested in my posts on Macau sex saunas, foreigner friendly soaplands in Japan, Tokyo Style, Tokyo Hentai Club, the best of compensated dating in Japan, and paying $10,000 for a whore.
Happy new year Enzo sir
I hope you bring 10x more content than whole 2020+2021 😃 .
Sir I have a req if you have spare time please write about your sex Stories of your orgy with four girls or fivesome you had with 5 women .
Thanks for making such unique content.
Hey Reus, Happy New Year! Thanks for reading and leaving comments. I always like to hear back from people who read this stuff. I actually had a lot of nice sex episodes like that. Around 2014 just before I started this site I was having 4 and 5somes at least once a week. I used to tell my buddies back home about it. That’s what actually inspired me to start this website! Plenty of stuff coming this year. Keep reading bro!
Damn bruh… If you ever come back to America I am voting for you to be our president. You are a walking legend. And what I particularly like about you is that you aren’t begrudging or sharing invaluable facts and helpful Intel. I was vacillating between visiting Makati or Pattaya this year, but this article has decided me indubitably. Vietnamese women are smoking hot. I have seen plenty of them in a huge city in the South where I now reside for work. I am originally for Manhattan though. And I often tried my luck at canal street and downtown manhattan. But I want the full experience now.
Filipina chicks may have some of the greatest asses but most of them, beauty-wise are the least appealing of the SEA beauts. Vietnamese babes on the other hand can even contest equally with Japan, Korea, and China (in my opinion the most beautiful Asian women.)
Hahahaha, I was dying at the first paragraph where you said you have been in more Vietnamese Holes than Cu Chi Tunnels which ironically sounds like coochie: poon.
Btw I understand if you don’t want to be our American president, the women here are shit. Not all of them. But from my experiences talk to foreign women , America is not “The Best in the World” when it comes to everything.
Hey, have you done an article of “The sexiest women in SEA”? I am not talking about bodies, necessarily, but Asian women with the cutest faces, no tats, long silky black hair, milky white skin, and petite’est feminine frames. I wonder what you would rank as #1? I know Vietnamese women can rival Korean women (from the modicum microcosm I have to gauge as a sample diagram). A man, keep writing this hot fire! You are the GOAT at it.
Lastly, can you believe I have already found well-rated AirBnB’s in Ho Chi Minh city for around 150-250 usd for a month? Wow! I can vacation like a king there!!!
Vietnamese chicks are absolutely hot. At least as good looking as Korean and Japanese chicks. Arguably better looking on average. Remember that cosmetics and especially plastic surgery aren’t as common in Vietnam yet. Sure it is exists, but its not as common. I can find something to like about most chicks anywhere. I am a lover of women and a horny one at that. American chicks have been off my radar for years. I grow less interested in Latinas as time goes on too. Asian chicks are my favorite. Last time I long termed in HCMC I paid around $250 for a brand new fully equipped condo in the middle of HCMC that came complete with free water, wifi and maid service. Vietnam is super cheap.
Hi Enzo,
Thanks for this post.
I am planning to visit HCMC in March. Read that five star hotels don’t allow girls to visit in the room.
So where does one go to have a great time and outside the five star hotel room. Staying at the Majestic in district 1.
Normally have sex atleast two to three times a day with different girls.
If it’s not that easy then maybe I should go somewhere else.
It’s illegal for a Vietnamese women to have sex with a foreigner in Vietnam, unless they are married. For that reason most hotels will not let foreign guys bring Viet chicks back to their rooms. There are some exceptions. Hourly “short time” hotels normally don’t care. And in recent years some of the decent mid range hotels have either looked the other way or asked to hold an ID card for a Viet chick who wants to visit a room. Some places will also allow a daytime visit but not an overnight. I doubt any five star would accept a foreign dude bringing multiple Viet chicks to his room though.
Hi Enzo,
I discovered your website few days ago and I love it!
You are a master so sorry if I take advantage and ask you a question.
I am crazy about Asian women and I have only 2 weeks in april to go there.
I am deciding if visiting only Ho chi min or only Bangkok or split 50-50, I know already BKK but I am receiving bad news about the freelance availability as quality seems down compared to a couple of years ago so I am a bit confused.
May I ask you what are your thoughts about it?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hey bro, thanks for reading! I can’t tell you what to do with your life. In my opinion it’s always easier to find chicks in Bangkok. Especially if you don’t live there. But Vietnamese chicks way hotter.
Hi Enzo, is paying for Tinder Gold required to connect? I’ve been using the free version of the app but it doesn’t seem to be working as it takes a long time to match and chat.
For a quick ONS in HCMC, what would be your recommendation?
Hey bro. I’m not sure if gold is necessarily required. I’ve had it for years, so all my experience it based on using it. I’m sure it would work on standard. But then you have less chance. Because with my account I can just keep swiping forever. If I swipe through 1000 accounts I’m bound to match with some. If it was 50 or something, my chances would be lower. I don’t really have a formula or recipe to make it work. What I do is dress for success, try to learn the local language, try to match with all the chicks I would stick my dick in, and chat like I don’t give a fuck with the ones who match me back. It’s worked well for me in HCMC.
Met some young ones who speak marvellous english. Hows your experience with the college girls over there?
I find more English speakers in Vietnam than Thailand. But that’s not saying much. That’s why I try to learn the local languages.
Will need get round to it. Meanwhile perhaps can try using my bad Cantonese.
Cantonese has to be the most difficult language ever. I gave up on that one before I even got started.
It is! But had the privilege of early exposure
Wasted many hours of my youth watching Hong Kong cinema
That’s a good skill to have. Where can you use it? Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou? I guess you could use it in US Chinatowns too.
Malaysia & I have been told, parts of Vietnam.
I think the Hoa speak Hakka, Yue and Teochew. Pretty much the same with ethnic Chinese in Thailand and Cambodia. Are any of those dialects mutually intelligible with Cantonese? They sound pretty different to me.
Yue is cantonese. But is it same variety as in HK?
Will find out
Isn’t Yue a very old dialect no longer used in the mainland?