The five cheapest places to get sex in Asia

What are the five cheapest places to get sex in Asia? I’ve made a list that includes prices in local currency and US dollars. It’s no secret that prostitution is common across Asia. Sure, Asian women can be very beautiful and sexy. And there’s no doubt that a lot of guys go to Asia seeking sex because they like the way Asian chicks look.

Another draw for many is the idea that cheap sex is available in Asia. In some cases that is true. In others it is not. For example, the prices most guys now pay for short time sex with a chick from a go go bar in Pattaya is much higher than what you pay in a German sex sauna.

When I list prices here, I am talking about what can be commonly paid for sex. I already listed the cheapest places to get blowjobs in Asia in another post. This time I am talking about actual sex. That usually includes a blowjob too, but it’s not always guaranteed. You might be surprised by how adverse some chicks are to giving head in parts of Asia. Even when they work as prostitutes!

$32 sex in Pattaya, Thailand

Although the go go bars now charge a lot, you can find cheap sex pretty regularly in Pattaya. As far as establishments go, you can get sex for 1000 Baht plus a bar fine of 300 to 400 Baht in the short time bars on Soi 6. That’s $42 dollars or more though.

The cheapest of the cheap places aren’t necessarily cheap anymore. Sure you can get the sex for the price of a couple of lap dances in America. But Pattaya can’t really be compared to the US. It is more like the neighboring countries in Asia.

Cheap Thai hookers

If you pick up freelancers on Beach Road or through Thai dating sites, then you can get away cheaper. The usual short time rate for women like that in Pattaya is 1000 Baht. A handful of the prostitutes will ask for more, but that doesn’t mean they get it.

Some women will also have sex for less. It’s not unheard of for women in Pattaya to have sex for 500 Baht even now. And some of them look like they stepped right out of a Thai porn video. But it’s easiest to find women who do short time for 1000 Baht. At current exchange rates, that comes out to $32 US dollars. It’s not very expensive. But it’s hardly the cheapest sex in Asia.

$25 sex in Jakarta, Indonesia

More people think of Thailand than Indonesia for sex. Indonesia is a bigger country though. And it has tons of prostitution. Most of the people are religious, but that does not mean you can’t find paid sex. You can find it very easily. Especially in Jakarta.

There are some very cheap bars and brothels in Jakarta where you can get sex for as little as eleven bucks. But honestly, these aren’t the kinds of places most foreign guys are ever going to wander into. But that doesn’t mean that the older ladies in the five star hotel bar at Mulia Senayan who ask for way too much money are the only option.

There are plenty of organized places in Jakarta like Hotel Classic where you can find short time for 350,000 Rupiah or less. At the current exchange rate that is just $25 dollars for a blowjob and sex in what is usually a pretty nice hotel room. It’s one of the lowest prices in all of Asia, but rarely mentioned.

$20 sex in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur is another place that is rarely mentioned for sex. Of course there is actually a lot of it going on there. The number of local Malay women involved in the trade is minimal. But a lot of Chinese, Vietnamese and others step in to take up the slack and meet demand.

The most popular prostitute pick up spot for foreigners is definitely the Beach Club. But that’s not cheap at all. Prices there rival some that you find in Western countries.

Places little known to most foreigners are much cheaper. That includes “Ace” at the Hotel Richmoore. There’s an area with lots of prostitutes. Some latch on to any guy who walks in and are hard to shake. The better looking ones just hang out at their rooms because they know guys will go to them. The price for short time is 80 Ringgit, or about $20 American.

$15 sex in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

If you’ve read this far, you’ve probably noticed that popular conceptions don’t always coincide with reality. The same goes for Phnom Penh. A lot of people who view the place as a dirt poor hell hole are shocked when they show up and discover that prostitutes in places like Darling Darling regularly get $200 or more for sex.

In some of the sexy karaoke places the prices can get to truly outrageous levels. Some people think they’re being ripped off in a big KTV. Meanwhile, they are actually just paying the same prices that regular customers get. So the practice can be really jolting for people with preconceptions.

Cheap Filipina putas

There are plenty of guys in Phnom Penh with major money. And they’re not all foreigners. Just take a look around when you’re in town and really pay attention. You will start to see many major players with big bank. That includes lots of locals. They think nothing of dropping a lot of cash on a woman.

But there are plenty of cash-poor local guys. And they get horny too. A lot of them go to the low end cheap brothels. Those places also welcome foreigners with open arms. They might try to charge a little extra to western people. But honestly most don’t even bother. So it’s easy to go to a brothel and get sex for $15 dollars or less.

$10 sex in Manila, Philippines

The Philippines is another country with a lot of poverty. It can be really obvious too. But yet women working in bars on streets filled with beggars ask you for over a hundred dollars if you want sex. So it’s not necessarily a cheap place at all. Decent hotels in Manila actually cost a lot in relation to nearby countries too.

Still, there is cheap sex available in Manila. Some local bars and brothels are available. So are street walkers that mainly sex with cheap local guys. I am not going to include them on this list. It’s all hit or miss.

But I have regularly found “massage girls” on P Burgos Street in Makati who will have sex for 500 Pesos. At the current exchange rate that is only ten dollars. This is really surprising since the go go bars on the street are pretty expensive. But it is true.

On any given night that street is filled with women and ladyboys asking if you want a massage. Some of them even wear “official” massage badges around their necks. The regular chicks in normal street clothes are different though. They’re basically just there freelancing. I find that if you take one to your room they’re happy to do it all for 500 Pesos. You just have to ask the price for “a massage” up front in the street before you agree. There are others, especially the ones in uniform, who probably want more. But I have found enough women asking 500 Pesos to consider it a regular thing that can be listed here.

  1. robertsarmiento
    • Call Me Enzo

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