Everything you need to know about whore support
I’m sure you already know about child support. That’s the money you pay to woman who takes care of your kid, at least in theory. In reality it can be anything from money you probably ought to pay but don’t to money extorted out of you with the full force of the state and sent to a woman who uses it to buy things like acrylic fingernails and Grey Goose vodka.
While child support is often forced out of dudes who didn’t pull out there’s another kind of support that a lot of guys shell out voluntarily, often even without any real benefit to themselves. I’m talking here about whore support.
Way back when I first started posting on My Sepedition, I said that I don’t really like calling working girls stuff like “hookers” and “whores.” For the most part that is still true outside of some specific situations, but come on it just fits in this scenario. What else do you want me to call it? Sex worker compensation? That’s over the top, and anyway it sounds more like the money you spend on sex than a monthly maintenance fee you give to a prostitute for one reason or another.
You might ask why someone would give money to a hooker on a monthly or even weekly basis? Is something wrong with their RomanceCompass? There are a lot of different reasons and rationales. I’ll try to go through the main ones here. I might miss something but if so that’s only because I’m not totally able to comprehend all of this myself. In some cases I’m left wondering by the lame shit some guys insist on doing.
Super long time
The first reason guys pay whore support is probably the most rational. That is dudes who take chicks out of a bar for an extended period of time. Some people consider this turning a prostitute into a regular girlfriend while others view it more objectively as a discounted super long time on a discount.
Instead of paying a barfine of a thousand baht every day plus whatever for short time or an overnight, plus taxis and hotels, they work something out with a lady. The lady then either quits the bar she works or takes an extended period of time off (usually, more on that later).
What are the costs associated with this? Of course it depends on all kinds of stuff. There are dudes who legitimately get in relationships with bar girls who stop their work and become real girlfriends without asking for or receiving any regular maintenance money. You may be surprised how often this happens, especially if you’ve heard one too many old sexpat rant or have more than one “No money no honey” shirt in your wardrobe.
Guys going to extremes
On the other hand, some dudes take it to real extremes. Last I checked, a regular rate for a dude to take a lady out of a beer bar in Thailand was around 30,000 Baht a month. That’s close to a grand if we’re counting in American money. But there are dudes that spend two or even five times that much in the land of smiles. Seriously. Especially if the chick works in a big go go bar.
Over in Cambodia, dudes who take the usually much less professional ladies out of bars and move them into their homes are more likely to give somewhere between three hundred and five hundred bucks a month. There are dudes that go way over that too of course. I knew at least two Khmer chicks still working in bars who stayed with foreign guys that gave them hundreds of dollars each and every month. Again, seriously. This is a little more difficult to explain. Maybe they are thinking with their dicks, driven by mad jealously, or just really in love. The heart wants what the heart wants, right?
Other countries can go all over the place. Without talking about the outrageous amounts of money some dudes spend on “sugar babies” in the United States, I can mention compensated dating in Japan that can turn into a monthly arrangement and “regular girls” in the Philippines who get “spending money” and even room and school expenses paid every month.
I’ve heard that chicks working in the no-sex hostess bars in Ho Chi Minh City often pull in huge sums of money when they become a full time live in “girlfriend” for a foreign guy. In those cases, we’re talking about as much as three thousand American dollars a month.
Long distance maintenance
Another version of this is the long distance monthly maintenance payment. This is money sent from abroad by dudes who like a working girl. They send money for a few reasons. Some guys think this will get the girl to stop working and selling sex until they meet again. Some dudes think this will raise their status in the eyes of the woman and her family. Sadly, some guys are just so lonely that they send money to keep up a long distance relationship so they have someone female to talk to and call their girlfriend.
There are some chicks who do the long distance girlfriend thing and wait for their monthly spender to come back, but the cold hard reality is that most of the girls keep on working. I have seen it with my own eyes many times.
One Thai chick I was banging for free in Bangkok for quite a while lived in a very nice condo that was fully paid for by some poor prick all the way off in England. The guy was paying 20,000 Baht a month for the condo plus sending her money for food and everything else. Her reasoning was that he was her “boyfriend” and that he sent the money since she stopped working on his request and thus lost her monthly income. Of course she told me all this in between us banging all over the condo. A few times I even had to be quiet while she picked up one of his calls. Sad.
Some guys might be into it though. I met at least one chick who got monthly money from a guy in some European country on the promise that she would tell him about all the sex she had with customers. He even wanted to see pictures and videos of her banging guys when possible. Another time I heard of a Filipina who was married to an Asian dude working in a sex bar and banging other guys all day long with her husband’s knowledge and consent.
Pity money
Finally, we’ve got the pity money. This is sent usually to dudes from developed countries to so-called poor countries like Cambodia or Thailand. It’s sent by dudes who feel bad that they have more than a chick they like, or who feel bad to have paid someone for sex to begin with. Or it’s sent by guys who are told tales of sick family members, shoeless baby brothers or sick buffaloes. Once in a while, it’s even sent out of truly altruistic feelings by guys who want to help a lady they like to go to school, open a business or otherwise get out of their line of work.
Dudes who do this fully aware of what’s going on are maybe the most understandable. After all, I have been known to give money to the needy quite often. Still, I’m not into being ripped off even by people who appear to be in genuine need. It’s their money though, so if they want to send it to some chick who does blowjobs on Soi 6 all day, that’s their prerogative.