Review of Maxim in Vienna
Maxim is probably the best known strip club in Austria. They do a lot of promotion too. They put their name all over the place and even hand out full color fliers that say “bring this for free admission.” It almost reminds me of some of the strip clubs in New York in that way.
But things are a lot different in Europe, especially when it comes to titty bars. Maxim is no American strip club and that is a good thing. First, admission is actually free at Maxim for anyone. At least it always has been for me, and I’ve never brought any flier with me.
That’s probably because Maxim never gets really crowded even though it is the most popular strip club in Vienna. Since they’re never packed, they are probably more than happy to get people in the door however they come.
Strip clubs and prostitution in Vienna
Local guys do go to Maxim, but they don’t show up in droves. Why would they? Full prostitution is legal in Austria and there are all kinds of well established and known sex clubs like the world famous Goldentime where women walk around in the nude looking for customers to have sex with.
Prostitution is legal across the board, which means that dancers at places like Maxim can sell sex too. They do that. In fact that’s probably the main way they butter their bread. They don’t seem to get a lot of tips on stage when someone is indeed on stage at all. Again, this isn’t America.
All about Maxim Wien
Maxim is access through a door with a big brought sign. There’s usually a big burly doorman around but he doesn’t seem to bother any normal customers. Down some stairs is the actual club. There is a woman who works the front door and she introduces new customers to place.
It’s a long room, but it’s not huge. Straight ahead there is a traditional type of bar with all the drinks you would expect. Prices are actually pretty reasonable too, considering how expensive Vienna is in general. To the right there are several lounge style seats all around the room. There’s also a stage. It gets some use but probably not as much as you would expect in a strip club. It’s not even as busy as the stage at AAA Exclusive Club in Prague.
There are a dozen or so women who hang around the club, but amazingly they mostly seem to wear street clothes. They’re not even in really sexy dresses or anything either. I’ve been twice and I didn’t see any hot outfits. That’s just as well since I didn’t see any head turning women either.
Chicks and prices
The women come from around Europe. I doubt many Austrians work in the club. Instead, there is the usual European assortment of women from countries like Romania and Moldova. There might be a Bulgaria or Russian around too.
Customers can buy drinks for the ladies at inflated prices. It’s not at the point of an Eastern European strip club rip off, but it’s not peanuts either. For the inflated price of champagne I guess you get to sit with a dancer. I wouldn’t know, because I never tried. I just don’t see the value for the money.
The rate for doing it with one of the dancers is negotiable between the private parties concerned. I’ve asked around and it seems that the using price agreed upon is 120 Euros for 30 minutes. It’s cheaper than a handful of lap dances in America, but not cheap for Europe. To put it in perspective, the prostitutes who work at Goldentime in Vienna charge 80 Euros for full service.
Other than that, there’s no much money spending required at Maxim. Sitting around is boring though. I guess that’s why some big ballers come in regularly and splash around thousands of dollars on champagne while sitting around with a couple of dancers. I don’t know why else they would do it.
Actually, now that I think of it, I don’t really know why anyone would go to Maxim at all. Boredom is about the only rationale I can come up with. That’s what brought me in the first time. The second time I went I just wanted to confirm that things were are dull as I experienced the first time. Sometimes places have off days. That doesn’t seem to be the case here.
Maxim is located at Kärntner Straße 61, 1010 Vienna, Austria. The club is open every day from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. The website is