Getting a blowjob at the barber shop in Phnom Penh

If you read my website regularly you already know about the blowjob barber shops in Ho Chi Minh City. What you might not know is that you can also get your cock sucked at some barber shops in Phnom Penh. It’s not nearly as common but it doesn’t happen as I found out one warm and sunny day when I got a blowjob at the barber shop.

I visit Phnom Penh pretty often and I even spent six months there once. So I learned the layout of Phnom Penh and all the basic phrases you need to get around without looking like a numbnut newbie.

Vietnamese barber shop cock sucker

Imagine my surprise to return to the regular barber shop I had been using for years only to find that the entire building was demolished! As a part of the changes in Phnom Penh a lot of property is being bought up (or seized) and redeveloped into more profitable stuff like malls, condos and bubble tea shops.

Anyway, there were still other barber shops nearby so I just went to the one with the least ridiculous name and hoped for the best. They had the usual mix of average looking Vietnamese and Khmer girls inside ready to provide all kinds of services from nail cutting to ear cleaning but I definitely did not expect what was to come.

Special barbershops

See, after I first started traveling to Cambodia I looked around for special barber shops. They are common in some parts of Asia. You can find sexy barber shops in Korea, China and of course Vietnam. I thought you might be able to find some in Phnom Penh too, especially after I read about one barber shop being raided for running a prostitution ring in the newspaper. I never found any though and quickly gave up on trying.

So after I got my haircut I was ready to turn down all services except a nail cutting which I needed. At $2 it didn’t cost any more than a pair of nail clippers so I figured I’d let the old Vietnamese lady have at it. When she was cutting my nails she went through the long list of available services. I said no thanks to all of them. Then she with a sort of inquisitive tone she asked, “how about a body massage?”

Intrigued, I asked the old hag who did the massages. If it was her I was definitely not interested. But if it was one of the better looking Vietnamese chicks in their late twenties that I saw earlier I would at least tried it out. She shrieked out something in Tieng Viet and a chick came to the back. She looked alright with white skin and shirt shorts and the price was right at $6 so I was in.

Up, up and away!

I followed the chick up to another floor. They had a huge room set up like a barber shop but with leather lounge chairs instead of barber chairs. It was like a mix between my grandpa’s den, super cuts and a Macau sex sauna.

There was just one massage table near the door. The door had a big glass window. Behind the door on the wall was a strategically placed mirror that I could quickly tell was set up for the masseuse to see if anyone was coming up the steps. I had a good feeling that only got better when the chick told me to take off my pants.

I laid on my back on the massage table in my underwear getting a mediocre leg rub for about a minute when she grabbed my junk and said “big” in her limited English. Now in my experience a Vietnamese chick grabbing your junk doesn’t always mean she’s down for more. There are lots of legitimate massage parlors and hostess bars in Ho Chi Minh City where the chicks will grab your cock playfully but go no further. Thankfully, this wasn’t one of those places.

As my member started to swell up and rise like a phoenix from the ashes, she quickly took notice and started rubbing it through my drawers. Then she made the universal sign for a blowjob and raised her eyebrows as if to ask “is that what you want?”

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Of course I said yes. She then made hand gestures for 30 bucks. I said no way and came back with 10. We finally settled on 15 and she left to get some wet wipes. I don’t know how regular a service I was getting but since they had some wet wipes on hand I have to think I wasn’t the first dude to get blown in that room.

The blowjob was average at best. She would suck it, then spit on the floor, then suck it again. She had the kind of aversion to cock and its juices that a lot of Khmer girls have. She was definitely nothing like the pro cock suckers of the best barber shops in Vietnam. But hey, a blowjob is a blowjob. Through a combination of sucking and jerking, she got my load out pretty quick. Then she cleaned me up with the wet wipes and insisted on doing more massage, probably so it would look like she gave me an actual body rub.

On return trips I went to the same barber shop. When the same chick was there I got a body massage with a blowjob, though I lowered the tip to ten bucks which she was totally cool with. Google translate even came out with her asking me if I was married. Sometimes she wouldn’t be there and I really didn’t care. I did try a body massage with another chick there once but she didn’t play with my rod at all. Oh well.

I found a few other barber shops where some chicks would do handies or low quality blowies, but it was never anything special. It’s actually more fun when it’s random.

There definitely isn’t a huge blowjob barber shop scene in Phnom Penh but it’s there. There are even some Vietnamese cafes in Phnom Penh where chicks sell pussy too, but that’s for another post.

  1. Sean
    • Call Me Enzo
  2. Kris
    • Call Me Enzo

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