A simple pill might prevent STIs
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests taking a simple pill immediately after sex might prevent sexually transmitted infections. The pill is an antibiotic called doxycycline, which is widely available and cheap in most parts of the world. The STIs it can prevent include chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. So this is something to really look at.
I caught the clap from a Korean hooker and it was terrible. Maybe I should have taken some doxy tablets after I barebacked the hooker who burned me. Instead I had to go to a clinic where a surly nurse jammed a big steel needle in my ass. This is not something I want to repeat. To be safer, I should wear condoms. To be safest, I should avoid sex and stick to using my Syncbot instead. The reality is that I am a horny guy who loves sex. So I will keep on fucking. And I will probably do it without a rubber on at times.
Sexually transmitted diseases can be anything from a minor inconvenience to a death sentence. So they are no joke. STI rates are especially high in places like Thailand. But drug resistant gonorrhea is now found across Asia and even in the United States. When your grandpa picks up an STD you know things are bad.
WHO to listen to?
Years ago I overheard an old dude talk about barebacking hookers in Thailand. He was speaking the authority of a person often wrong but never in doubt. Loudly, he proclaimed to anyone that would listen that he squirts betadine on his cock after he fucks. Then he pisses immediately after. If he was to be believed, he barebacked Thai prostitutes daily for 10 years and never picked up a single disease. He attributed it all to his simple routine.
I didn’t believe him then and I don’t believe him now. He probably had herpes and warts. But honestly you can get those even with a condom. So who is to say what is wrong and write? I tend to follow the science, but doctors make mistakes too. Sometimes their mistakes last for years. But what is the alternative? Taking advice from drunks at Pattaya beer bars?
The fact is that betadine might kill some bacteria but it is no way a bullet proof. Neither are the pills that help prevent HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. But again, condoms aren’t bulletproof either. They can break under duress and leave you with diseases or even kids! Just ask your dad. He’ll fill you in.
Can doxy do it?
The question remains: can doxycycline actually keep you from catching a bug? Studies thus far were in high risk groups. They showed a 65 percent rate of reduction. That’s pretty good, but again it is not perfect by any means. Surely something must be better than nothing though. Right?
I’m honestly not sure. I have to admit to taking a cocktail of antibiotics a few times after sex when I felt something wasn’t right. Once I smashed a hooker and had regrets. Two days later I felt the slightest tingle in the tip of my prick. I was in Thailand so I was able to just walk up to a pharmacy and buy a handful of antibiotics. I never did show any symptoms. But maybe it was all in my mind to begin with. Anyway, anecdotal evidence like this is not really evidence at all. That’s why science professionals exist.
A strange note is that doxycycline is no longer prescribed to most people who actually get a sexually transmitted infection. Apparently most infections are now resistant to doxycycline. That makes you wonder. Maybe it just works when taken immediately after sex, but not once the infection has already set in. But what about other drugs like azithromycin? We know that ceftriaxone works against gonorrhea, but the only way to take it through a needle. And that sucks!
Doxycycline is basically an over the counter drug in a lot of less developed countries. In places like America it’s highly controlled and requires a script from a doctor. Will doctors be willing to prescribe doxycyline for sexually active guys like me? Will the widespread use of doxycycline after sex lead to more antibiotic resistance? It’s already a huge problem worldwide. A lot remains unknown. I hope more studies will be done. In the meantime I will have to think about doxy-PEP the next time I blow a load into an unknown snatch.
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i’ve read big Pharma has bought patents out on things that cured AIDs, cancer, etc. before-they buy the patent for a big sum and just sit on it because it’s much more profitable to keep things as they are rather than bring the legit innovative cures to the market. A lot of these strains of antibiotic resistant clap are probably in the same wheelhouse. Anything natural is good-if people combine nature and science they can alleviate alot of human suffering through Homeopathic natural herbs and supplements and man made lab chemistry products combined. Some of the best minds Ive encountered (a Chemical Engineer who is also a Medical Doctor) have pushed that very idea. Guys like that who help people are a positive aspect of America (although as we all know- it seems less and less good things come from America these days).
Most viruses are difficult or impossible to cure. It’s tough to deal with viruses with our current technology. Bacterial infections like the clap are easier to deal with. But there hasn’t been much progress in antibiotics for a while. Meanwhile there is more international travel and looser sexual mores. Condom usage is down too. So it’s the perfect storm. We have the USDA to thank for Penicillin. Nowadays the only thing the government invests in is weapons.
Trusting the public health institutions, Big Pharma and its regulators is not my default, especially given the events of the last few years. That said, this looks like a cheap and already available product, so my defenses are somewhat down. Generally I’m not a fan of putting exogenous substances into my body, though I’d give this serious consideration under the appropriate situation if there are very limited downsides. Stay safe out there, man.
For better or worse, peer reviewed science is the best thing we have.
I got a bad case of gonorrhea in Thailand, tried doxy first thing from the pharmacy but it didn’t touch it, had to have an injection in the ass of some strong antibiotics. Was a nasty infection, painful. Often you need the docs clinical experience, they knew straight away what would get rid of it.
I’d read before that doxy could work as an STI prophylactic, taking it regularly during potential exposure time, but haven’t checked any real evidence. If this new evidence is solid it could be an option.
Sorry man, that sucks. But it’s pretty common in Thailand. Sounds like it might have even been resistant gonorrhea. Were you fucking without a condom? Or just getting bareback blow jobs?