Grandpa caught the clap and you can too

I’ve been living a life of constant travel and sex for years now. If you’ve been reading this site you already know that. You might have read about some of my more risky adventures too. Like the time I creampied a hooker in Jakarta. Or the time I got $30 bareback full service cum-in-pussy in Pattaya. But you should have also seen my other posts about sexually transmitted diseases and condoms. Like “How to have sex with a prostitute without getting a disease.”

I guess grandpa missed those. Because there is an explosion of sexually transmitted infections in the elderly population of Oklahoma. HIV is up 135 percent and gonorrhea is up an astonishing 695 percent among older Okies. That’s some scary shit!

grandmother sex meme

But old grand dad isn’t alone. More frightening is the current outbreak of meningococcal disease among gay and bisexual men that the CDC is calling one of the worst in history. That spreads by kissing. So it could conceivably spread far and wide.

Lest you think this is all restricted to America let me mention the Austrian guy who recently became world famous after contracting antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea from bareback sex with a Cambodian prostitute. How’s that for a claim to fame? He might have been saved if he would have read my post on Resistant gonorrhea and prostitutes in Southeast Asia that I put out way back in 2018!

Finally there is the monkeypox outbreak which has spread to more than 3000 people in close to 50 countries. That too can and does spread by close contact. Especially of the sexual variety.

What is the lesson to be learned here? Well, one is that reading what I write can be beneficial for humanity. I am out here in the world living life. I catch on to a lot of shit bright and early. And if I get the chance I pass the info on to my friends and the people that read my stuff here.

Of course I am nothing more than a lowly internet writer spinning tales for adults for fun. But you can’t deny that I often strike right at the core of reality. Like when a recent scientific study validated my views on porn!

No one ever caught a disease while whacking off to a porn video on their computer. So no matter what else you might think about watching other people fuck over the internet, you have to admit that is certainly a reliable form of safe sex. After that comes sex with people that you know personally and trust. Aided by a condom and possibly other devices of course. At least until those are outlawed. From there your risk increases.

Sex with strangers. Sex with sex workers. Sex with strange sex workers. Bareback sex with strange sex workers. The further you go, the more risky it is. Sure you hear from these guys who say they’ve fucked 40 thousand whores bareback and haven’t caught as much as a sneeze. I mean, look at me. I’ve had a lot of bareback sex. Yet even though I don’t trust STD tests in Thailand I do know that I don’t have AIDS. But I could get it. So could you. And so could grandpa. If he didn’t already pick it up concurrently with the clap.

  1. jay
    • Call Me Enzo

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