How I save money by traveling constantly
People often ask how I afford my life of constant travel and sex. At the same time, I often wonder how people afford a life of home and car ownership in inflation ridden hellholes like the United States of America. In my experience it is much cheaper to be mobile than it is to settle down in a suburb where the industrial-bureaucratic machine can milk you dry and leave you for dead.
On my last visit to the states I spent time with one of my aunts. As always, she was curious about how things are going in other parts of the world. Like many Americans, she has never been out of her country. She doesn’t even have a passport. So I tell her about the various things I have seen. Though of course I don’t mention stuff like the blow job bars in Bangkok.
As is often the case, the conversation quickly came around to finances. Like many others, she wants to know how I can afford flying from one place to the next for years on end. I want to know how she can afford things like her house, her car, gasoline and $5 gallons of milk. After all she is an older woman on a fixed income. To me her life seems a lot less realistic and financially stable than mine! Once we started comparing costs, it turns out that I am right. She is barely making it in middle America. I am bouncing from one city to the next fucking women and sleeping in luxurious surroundings.
Always moving saves me money
By being in constant motion I am actually able to avoid lots of regular and recurring fees that other settled people have to shell out. There are lots of examples. I don’t pay house or renter insurance, because I don’t have a house or rent. I don’t pay a car payment or car insurance because I don’t have a car. I don’t pay an electric bill, gas bill, sewage bill either. I stay in hotels, Airbnb rooms, and short stay rentals, and then let the owners take care of all that annoying shit.
What else? I don’t pay for gasoline. Again, no car. So no title, registration, vehicle tax or parking fees either. No new tires every year. No oil changes. No windshield wiper fluid. No new brakes. No dealing with dishonest mechanics or shiesty car dealerships at all!
Plus, no house means no HOA fees. No local head taxes. No property taxes. No cable or internet bill. I don’t cook for myself, so I don’t have to buy groceries either. No cooking oil, no butter, no eggs, no spices, no pots, no pans, no utensils. All of that is provided in the food I order out three times a day. In fact, I just had a delicious plate of chicken and rice with an iced coffee prepared by better equipped professionals. At $2.75 total cost, that’s less than most people pay for food they cook themselves!
I don’t pay a recurring phone bill either. I have an unlocked phone. When I get to a new country I buy a sim card and some data and I’m good to go. In a place like Cambodia or Vietnam it comes out to like 10 bucks a month. In Japan it’s about $50 a month. It’s always cheaper than the $100 or so my friends pay back home.
What about the cost of travel?
As you can see, I have fewer expenses than the average person who lives in the “normal” way. I don’t really have any extra expenses at all. The only thing I spend money on that is different is the actual traveling from one place to the next. But even in this inflationary age, that doesn’t cost a ton of money.
The main expense these days is the travel between America and the rest of the world. It is true that a flight from the US to Asia costs more than it did only a few years ago. But once I am in Asia, I can get from one country to the next for less than most people spend on their monthly car payment. The average car payment in America is now $729. A flight from Bangkok to Phnom Penh costs $44. What about a longer flight like Kuala Lumpur to Tokyo? That 7 hour trip costs $255.
If you start adding in things like gasoline, maintenance and auto insurance, you’ll find that the average American spends more on a car that gets them to and from the local McDonald’s than I spend on flying all over the world.
The same goes for housing. The average rent in America is now $1700. The average mortgage is $1760. That works out to about 50 bucks a day. I can stay in a nice hotel in Bangkok for that price. And I don’t even have to buy furniture, bedding, soap, shampoo, cleaning supplies, etc. It is all provided with the cost of the room. The best part is that I just pick up and leave whenever I get sick of the place or want to try something new. If I go the Airbnb or short term rental route I can save even more. I just recently spent a few months staying in a new luxury condo in Chiang Mai. I paid $270 a month for the privilege.
Traveling is cheaper than sitting still
As you can see I save significant sums of money by traveling around from one place to another. This allows me to focus most of my time on the biological urge to have sex with women instead of wasting my life away enriching some corporate overlords. I work less and enjoy more and it’s less expensive. How could I take any other path? Why suffer more only to end up with a less enjoyable life? It simply doesn’t make sense.
I do spend money on blowies, hand jobs and sex with women at a pretty regular rate. But even this is normally cheaper than the dating regiment that a lot of guys go through. And that doesn’t even come with a promise of sex. These days countless simps work underpaid, terrible jobs only to earn enough money to get acknowledged by some chick on OnlyFans who will never even do them. Fuck that. I’d rather fuck hookers.
I get plenty of free sex too. The balance is probably about fifty fifty. A lot of times I move straight to the room. But when I do date I typically end up in the same kinds of places where I bought the cheap rice and chicken mentioned earlier. When in Rome, do as the Romans. When in Chiang Mai, eat chicken and rice with sexy 22-year-olds. Then go back to your rented condo and bone them.
Obviously this will not work for everyone. Not everyone is built for this lifestyle. Someone has to fly the planes I board, build the hotels I sleep in, and teach the college students I have sex with. But it’s not going to be me. I left the rat race because I didn’t want to end up like my poor old aunt.
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Hey what can I say? I may not own a home. But I have sex every day. That ought to count for something.
The ancillary monetary costs of home and car ownership are things most people don’t fully account for when making the purchase decision, and that doesn’t even include the time, energy, stress and risks involved with ownership. Not too long ago you could argue the cost of living in the US was cheap compared to most first world countries. You touched on this before. In 2023, I’m not so sure. Maybe it still is, but certainly the purchasing power and value proposition have declined.
A British guy that frequently travels observed the costs in the US is now definitely higher than the UK. Another Canadian guest on the Joe Rogan podcast made a remark about how he went out for just coffee with his friends and wondered how people are paying these kind of prices. Feels like sooner or later, something’s gotta give.
Some stuff is definitely cheaper in the US than a lot of other places. Especially electronics. Beer can even be cheaper. I mean there are only so many countries you can get 30 cans for $12. But overall it ain’t cheap anymore. Especially if you own a home and a car. And if you don’t have a place to stay or a way to get around then how are you living anyway?
are you currently single? do you care about having a partner at all? children?
Yes. No. No.
I am sure u have number of assets though!
Houses are often liabilities these days
Are condoms considered assets?
The main reason you are able to live cheaply is because you are a self-admitted location independent digital nomad who can work the internet to sell whatever products or services you sell. You have stated in the past on this very blog that you will not explain how you make your money as you do not want the financial competition to lower your monetary income. I and a lot of other people would do the same as you if we could, but for whatever reasons we can not do so. I do not envy you and wish you well. However, your point about escaping the West particularly the USA if one can especially if he is a man is valid because the USA is getting worse and worse, and one can live more cheaply and have a better sex life in many other countries. My opinion is that the West is much better for women than men and that there is a lot of propaganda and brain washing saying the West and in particular the USA is better. Many other nations are better for Western people especially Western men to live in if they can find a decent job and that is many times more true if he location income independent.
How I make money is actually irrelevant to the point made here. The fact is that I spend less by constantly traveling than I would if I was settled down into a “normal” American life. This is in contrast to the ideas of most Americans who appear to believe it costs more money to travel all the time than it does to live a middle class life in the states. Whether a person made money from a business, inheritance, remote work, freelance work, or even downright thievery, the fact would remain the same: it costs less to travel the world as I do than it does to stay in one lame location for life.
I personally don’t think “a decent job” exists. When you have a job your entire life is controlled by other people. They tell you when to wake up, where to go, what to do and when to do it. And if you do something they don’t like, they just cut off your means of survival. Doesn’t sound decent to me. Even the “best” job in the world is a job. I’ll pass on that and keep traveling and fucking chicks on my own terms.
I rejected the rat race and left America with just a couple of bucks. The first years weren’t luxurious. I was reduced to getting $3 public blowjobs in the beginning. It was still preferable to having “the best job” in America in my view.
I don’t expect anyone to follow my footsteps. In fact I don’t want anyone to! Less competition is better for me. Besides I need people to show up and cook the food in the restaurants so I can eat.
Thanks. How often do you masturbate? I feel i’m doing it too much and it’s affecting my ability to have sex
Several times a week if not daily. I don’t always shoot my wad though. Edging has greatly enhanced my sex life.
How you make money and how much money you make is extremely relevant because you would not be living where you live and have the lifestyle you live without it. Theoretically if one is wealthy enough, he could live off his savings more cheaply in Southeast Asia where you spend most of your time too because Southeast Asia is cheaper to live in than the USA now but is likely to become more expensive the better life gets over there as its economy improves and the USA’s economy declines. Noone would work for someone else if he believed he could do better especially financially and he actually did do better especially in making money when he tried to be an independent business man like you did. However, some jobs are better than others in relative terms such as it is better to teach English in a Hak-weon, private school, for most liberal arts college graduates who are working as baristas at an American coffee shop especially if he is young and even more so if he is a man as an example. You are correct that it is better to live like you if one can figure out how to do it, but not everyone can no matter how hard and smart he tries, and life is not fair. We seem to agree on everything else as of now. I wish you well and please keep writing on this blog as you are providing a valuable service as to how life is away from the USA, you try to be 100% honest and virtually always succeed in doing so.
No matter the source of income I would spend less of it on the road then I would stationary in America. When I left the states I had a few hundred dollars and no income. I spent less than I would in America. Now I have more money and higher income. And I still spend less than I would in America. Keep reading for more of the truth!
Amen and thanks.