Hong Kong is one of the most well known cities in the world. And it has been for a long time. I don’t think Hong Kong prostitutes have much to do with that. But maybe they should.
Honey Girls in Hong Kong are some of the best looking prostitutes you can find anywhere in my opinion. I always find it strange that no one really seems to talk about them in English. Meanwhile, there’s
Prostitution is legal in Hong Kong. That’s why there are so many walk up brothels around. There are also some go go bars but they aren’t as common. Technically the walk up brothel chicks are freelancers as
Hong Kong has a huge adult entertainment scene. Massage parlors, street walkers and legal walk up brothels are everywhere. There are also a lot of eager women around who will fuck for free. I’ll try to get
While democracy protests have made the news lately Hong Kong is actually one of the freest parts of the world in some regards. For instance prostitution is legal in the Special Administrative Region, which makes it “freer”